by vholt | Sep 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Ikthe, the predator planet, is nearest the dual suns of the sister planets. A thick atmosphere results in a hot and humid climate on most of the planet’s surface. Luscious greenery overtakes most of the land area. With an impenetrable rain forest canopy, the...
by vholt | Sep 25, 2018 | Predator Planet Details
Esra has just barely scratched the surface of her foray onto the Predator Planet. She wants to get off, but in the meantime, she can’t help but explore and discover the pristine wilderness unsullied by human hands. The crackle of a stick behind her, the boot...
by vholt | Sep 25, 2018 | Predator Planet Details
Large mass bodies behave like liquids near the gravity-inducing stars such as yellow giants. When the asteroid hit the mother planet, the two largest chunks of planet formed into spheres, their cores hotbeds of magma. Now they revolve around the yellow giant and the...