It seems like current events require patience on a scale we haven’t seen since it was Christmas Eve and we were six. The good news is that Book 2, Tracked on Predator Planet, is in the hands of my publisher as you read this. Once I get my marching orders for fixes, I will polish it up and send it back for more editing. It’s getting closer! I was fortunate to gather insights from a couple of First Nations “sensitivity” readers who gave me pointers on making Pattee Crow Flies even more authentic. I truly can’t wait to bring her story to you! Here’s a little snippet from Book 2 to whet your whistle:
“Jackpot!” I pulled out the cyclone, the tubing, the pump, and the filters. Yes! I could collect air samples. It was supposed to measure silicates and breathable dust, but I was going to innovate it.
“Vector, can you merge findings from the Air Collection Pump with your Mass Spectrometer?”
“I need more specific parameters, K-90 Miner 110.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m going to collect silicates once I can walk around. When I bring in the air sample, I want you to scan the silicates for any bacterial hitchhikers.”
“Results will take up to five business days,” Vector said.
Business days. What a crock. “Whatever, Vector.” I knew what lay ahead for me on this planet. My mechanical engineering degree was about to get hacked, because I was making the EEP my official base.